I am an assistant professor in Computer Science (Courant Institute) and Data Science at New York University. I was an assistant professor in the Computer Science department at the University of Texas at Austin from 2020. Before UT, I was a researcher at Google AI in NYC and a Ph.D. student at UW, advised by Luke Zettlemoyer and Yejin Choi.

I enjoy studying real world language usages with simple and generalizable models. I also build benchmarks that allows us to evaluate NLP models, conduct model analysis, and bring the progresses in English NLP to a wider range of languages. Here are research topics that I am currently interested in:


Research Group

I am fortunate to work with many talented students and collaborators. I don't have a group name, but my students like to play with naming my lab, such as (E)xplaining and (U)nderstanding (N)ature and (S)tructure/Synthesis (O)f (L)anguage. If you would like to join my lab, please apply to NYU CS or DS program as I will be recruiting 1-2 student this cycle. I currently do not offer new internship or undergraduate research opportunities.

The research at my lab has been supported by Google, Open Philanthrophy, CISCO, Sony, HomeDepot and NSF. Thank you!


* refers to equal contribution.





My name (은솔) means soft, persistent love in ancient Korean (or at least my father claims so). I use she/her pronoun. Here is my voice clips to help you pronounce my names: Korean version: [] Easier version: []
I am fortunate to embark my NLP journey at Cornell as an undergraduate with Lillian Lee.